The classes of membership shall consist of the following:-
(a) Associates/Informational Members: This category of members has interest in the Institute technical information. Informational members are kept abreast of the latest information and issues in the field of development and environment, but do not actively participate in the development and environment writing committees.
(b) Professional/Participatory Member: Actively contribute to the work of the development and environment writing committees. They also play active role in the publications of various development and environment reports, standards and reviews of technical documents in the Institute focus areas. This work is done in a unique professional environment, which draw from top players in the fields. Through the participation in the technical work of the Institute participating members are personally involve in the development of intellectual capital that is on the cutting edge of new trend in the field of environment and development.
(c) Organisational Member: May be an organisation, a firm or corporation, a governmental agency or any such body in the field of environment and development issues. Organisation members have the satisfaction of knowing their support serves the public good, while contributing to the growth of their employees, their industries, and the world at large.
(d) Student Member: Seniors/Fellows shall be persons to whom the Institute wishes to grant special recognition to. Nominations for Fellows must be made to the Senate and must be approved by a unanimous vote of Senate Members voting.