
The nomination must include:

  1. A list and brief description of successful accomplishment in the area     being addressed.
  2. The nominees' history of 2-3 pages which should demonstrate the creativity, courage, character, innovativeness, and sometimes sacrifices of the nominees' in their efforts to improve life, the environment and sustainable development. The long-term impact of the Award will depend on the integrity of the Nominators and the quality of their nominations. The Award is for successful accomplishments rather than a sorority certificate.
  3. Description should be as specific as possible and straight to the point.
  4. Supporting materials such as pictures, websites and whatever else should be attached where available.
  5. Any of following elements should be emphasized:
    • Consistency and integrity.
    • Preservation and respect for the environment.
    • Continuing impact on the people and society
    • Positive change for the better.

More info about us

The EarthWatch Research Institute is an idea that was born out of the publication of EarthWatch Magazine

The first professional magazine in Nigeria solely devoted to issues of environment and sustainable development (the nation’s foremost HSE & Sustainable Development Magazine) and the EarthWatch Conference on Water & Sanitation.

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Governance and Structure

image1EarthWatch Research Institute (EWRI) is an open and democratic organization dealing with water, sanitation and sustainability operating in a broad social context...

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